Theatre for Change Galway is inspired by the applied theatre model, particularly the Theatre of the Oppressed, crafted by Augusto Boal. This method emphasises social and personal transformation through interactive and improvisational theatre. With a focus on workshops and performances in diverse environments, from community settings to classrooms, Theatre for Change Galway has impacted various educational programs, including modules at the University of Galway.

Key projects include performances that showcase research outcomes, like those addressing ethnicity classifications in medical practices in Ireland. Their approach invites engagement and action on social issues, fostering examination and dialogue within the community.

Theatre of the Oppressed courses were initiated in 2010 and have since hosted numerous training sessions led by world-renowned facilitators. Their commitment to this craft extends beyond performances, contributing to human rights initiatives and educational ventures, embodying the spirit of active change and cultural movement.

Theatre for Change Galway stands as a beacon of empowerment, where every individual can partake in shaping their reality and addressing social concerns, transforming spectators into active contributors to societal progress.

thearter seminar