Theatre for Change Galway CLG is a distinguished community-based theater company situated in the heart of Galway. Specializing in Forum Theatre Applied Drama, our company is dedicated to utilizing the transformative power of theater to engage individuals across diverse community and educational settings.

Applied Drama practices form the cornerstone of our methodology, offering rich opportunities for cultural enrichment, educational advancement, and fostering intercultural dialogue, particularly on issues surrounding social disadvantage and injustice.

Drawing from the principles pioneered by Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, participants are skillfully guided through various creative expressions, allowing them to delve into pertinent societal themes. These techniques serve as powerful catalysts for personal and communal growth, equipping participants with invaluable capacity-building skills and fostering a culture of self-advocacy.

By embracing the ethos of applied drama, we strive not only to empower individuals on a personal level but also to effect broader societal change. Through our commitment to creative engagement and meaningful dialogue, we endeavor to cultivate a more inclusive and just society, one performance at a time.